Aisha prayed in the way that is against the sharia law

Aisha prayed against the sharia law


005a Aisha prayed in the way that is against the sharia law

We know that if someone is in journey, he must pray QASAR (half prayers, 2 raka,at for Dhuar, Asar and Isha) but we can see how sharia law was changed by these high level figures for our Sunni fellows. We are also going to mention narration about Uthman that he did the same thing and in next chapter we will show the examples of Umar bin Khattab and about other companions, they made innovations in Islam.

Please find the narration about Uthman in Bukhari


005b Aisha prayed in the way that is against the sharia law


Aisha prayed against the sharia law - 2