Contradiction on prayer of dead person

The Prophet(pbuh) prayed 4 Takbirs on dead person

Contradiction on prayer of dead person

Please find the contradiction

The Prophet(pbuh) also prayed 5 Takbirs on dead person

Contradiction on prayer of dead person - 2

There are contradictory narrations in Sunni School of thought on important matters. This is interesting thing that Wahhabi fellows say that everything in Bukhari and Muslim is true.It is hard to get satisfied about the actual Sunnah of the Holy Prophet. We know the Shia Khairul Bariya offer 5 Takbirs on dead person.

If we see the basic necessities of Islam we find so much contradictions in Sunni school of thought. About ablution (wudhu) there are four types of narrations, Some of them say we need to wipe the feet, some of them say we need to wash the feet some of them say we need to do both etc, earlier we have shared the Wudhu of abu Hurairah who washed his feet and included the shins and he washed his arms until shoulder. While we know that there is clearly mentioned in Quran how to perform the Wudhu!

About daily prayers: Holy prophet offered thousands of prayers publically but Sunni school of thought cannot decide the way of Prophet's prayer. Some Sunnis offer their prayers while they tie their hands. But Sunnis who are the followers of Imam Malik they open their hands like Shia Khairul Bariya. There are lots more to say on these contradictions, Please red our article Philosophy of Caliphate and Imamate.