Questions on Shia point of view about the companions (Sahaba) part-2
Question: 5 :There are narrations in Shia books that all companions had become MURTAD (apostate) after the holy Prophet except 3 companions. What is the Shia's belief about it?
Answer: Shias have some principles about their narrations. Shias do not announce that all narrations are true in that any book of hadith.
We have to check the chain narrators if it is trust worthy or not, even if the chain of narrators seems fine but the contents of that hadith contradict with Quran. We do not take that narration. We also check that narration on real practical grounds (daryatan); we also match that narration with other proven true narrations, and then make the conclusion.
Shias do not have such belief at all that all the companions of holy Prophet become apostate of Islam except 3 companions; this is not true at all. Some Sunnis make this conclusion by themselves and throw it on to Shias. Sunni fellows make this propaganda and try to keep away people from Shias.
Even we consider this narration as true, it contradicts with other true narrations and also with real grounds. The word Murtad is also used in its dictionary meanings that accepting something then rejecting it later on.
We can say that on the ceremony of Ghadir e Khum, companions gave their oath of allegiance to Imam Ali, congratulated him that Ali is their master after the holy Prophet. (Mishkawat chapter virtues of Companions, Musnad Ahmad bin Hunbal and others) But later on, after the holy Prophet they could not remain on this commitment.
For example we have a famous hadith that anybody who leaves prayer knowingly, that person becomes kafir. We have so many Muslims who do not pray daily but still they are Muslims. We cannot throw them out of Islam. We need to look at those meanings which can be applied.
We would like to give another example. Quran 2:256
“Whoever disbelieves in the Satan and believes in Allah he indeed has laid hold on the firmest handle, which shall not break off, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing.”
In this verse word KUFAR (kafir) is used in its dictionary meanings while in the next verse and in the other verses of Quran same word Kufar (kafir) is used as rejecting the message of Allah. As we use the terminology of kafir who disbelieve Allah and his messengers. In Quran and Hadiths, there are so many examples that some words are used in their dictionary meanings and at the same time those words are given specific terminology.
There is another narration in Shia books about 3 faithful personalities among companions that the doubt did not enter to their hearts at all.
Shias believe that some companions of the Prophet were great and very faithful. These personalities Suleiman, Abu Zar, Miqdad, have so much higher status than other companions (May Allah bless them and pleased with them).
We want to mention here some narrations about these personalities from the Sunni books.
This is Hassan hadith from Tirmidhi. (Hazrat Buraida narrated) The holy Prophet said; Allah ordered me to love these 4 personalities and also told me that Allah loves these 4 companions. These 4 personalities are Ali, Suleiman, Abu Zar, and Miqdad (May Allah bless them).
Another hadith from Tirmidhi, this Hassan hadith narrated by Anas bin Malik, The holy Prophet said “Heaven is greedily waiting for three personalities: those are Ali, Ammar and Suleiman”.
Now we would like to mention other true narrations from Shia books about the Companions of the Prophet(pbuh).
Nahajjul Blagha Last part of Sermon 155
"O' `Ali, people will fall into mischief through their wealth, will show obligation to Allah on account of their faith, will expect His mercy, will feel safe from His anger and regard His unlawful matters as lawful by raising false doubts and by their misguiding desires. They will then hold lawful (the use of) wine by calling it barley water, a bribe by calling it a gift, and taking of usurious interest by calling it sale." I said, "O' Prophet of Allah, how should I deal with them at the time, whether to hold them to have gone back in heresy or just in revolt." He said, "in revolt."
We can clearly read in above sermon that the people fall in to fitna (revolt) but they were not apostate.
Please read another sermon of Nahajjul Blagha by Imam Ali. Last part of Sermon 96
“I have seen the companions of the Prophet but I do not find anyone resembling them. They began the day with dust on the hair and face (in hardship of life) and passed the night in prostration and standing in prayers. Sometimes they put down their foreheads and sometimes their cheeks. With the recollection of their resurrection it seemed as though they stood on live coal. It seemed that in between their eyes there were signs like knees of goats, resulting from long prostrations. When Allah was mentioned their eyes flowed freely till their shirt collars were drenched. They trembled for fear of punishment and hope of reward as the tree trembles on the day of stormy wind.”
In above sermon Imam Ali praised the companions of the Holy Prophet, if all the Companions of the Prophet turned apostate then why Imam Ali mentioned their virtues?
Sheikh e Sadooq wrote a narration in his book AL-KHASAL chapter 12, that the 12 companions from Mohajreen and Ansar came to Imam Ali. They wanted to fight with Abu Bakar for taking over the Caliphate. Imam Ali stopped them for doing so.
However Imam Ali told them to remind Abu Bakar the Hadith of holy Prophet about Imam Ali and condemn his action for taking over the Caliphate. Those companions are Khalid Ibn e Saeed, Miqdad ibn e Aswad, Abbi ibn e Ka,ab, Ammar ibn e Yasir, Abu Zar Ghaffari, Soliman Farsi, Abdullah ibn e Masood, Buraida Aslami, Khuzaima ibn e Sabat, Sahal Ibn e Hanif, Abu Ayoub Ansai, Abul Haitham.
We want to mention another true narration from Imam Ali (as),the book Al-Khasal by Sheikh Sadooq (ra) page 639-640. There were 12,000 good companions praised by Imam Ali.
“Narrated Ahmed ibn ziad al-hamadani ra narrated Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn hashim narrated his father from ibn abi umair from hishem ibn Salem from abi abdilleh AS he said: the companions of rasool Allah (saww) were twelve thousand : eight thousand in medina and two thousand in Mecca and two thousand from "tulaqa"(those who became Muslim in "Fatah" mecca . There was no "qadri" or "morj'i" or "huroori" or "mutazili" or "people of opinion"
We have narrations from Imam Mohammad Baqir and also Imam Jaafar e Sadiq (as) that no one can love Ahlalbait until he loves these 13 personalities among companions of the Prophet: Soliman, Abu zar, Miqdad, Ammar, Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari, Hudhaifa Yamani, Abu Maitham, Abu Ayoub Ansari, Ebadah bin Saamat, Sohaib bin Hanif, Abdullah bin Saamat, Abu Saeed Khudari, Khuzaima bin Saamat (May Allah bless them all). There is also long list of great faithful companions which are too many to mention.
At the end, we want to mention the famous supplication of our beloved 4th Imam Zainul Aabideen from our famous and authentic book, Sahihfa Sajjadiya-Supplication number.4. This is very long supplication. We cannot paste all but still we are sharing some words of our holy Imam
“O God, as for the Companions of Muhammad (pbuh) specifically, those who did well in companionship, who stood the good test in helping him, responded to him when he made them hear his messages' argument, separated from mates and children in manifesting his word, fought against fathers and sons in strengthening his prophecy, and through him gained victory; those who were wrapped in affection for him, hoping for a commerce that comes not to naught in love for him; those who were left by their clans when they clung to his handhold and denied by their kinsfolk when they rested in the shadow of his kinship;
We have given enough explanations about this matter. It is just propaganda from Sunni fellows that Shias believe all companions became apostates except four, this propaganda is not true.”
We recite the supplications of our beloved Imam Days and nights. We are providing the online link of Sahihfa Sajjadiya, supplication.4: Sahihfa Sajjadiya
May Allah (swt) guide those who seek for truth and send blessings to Holy Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) and his Ahlalbait.
Question 6: We understand Shia's point of view that Shias do not believe all companions were righteous but it is not easy to believe Shia's view about Abu Bakar and Umar. Abu Bakar was the first one who accepted Islam. He migrated from Mecca to medina with the holy Prophet. There are also lots of virtues of Umar bin Khattab. If these people were bad then why the holy Prophet kept them in his company?
Answer: We would like to mention some facts on this matter; we do not mean to hurt the feelings of someone.
First we want to say that these big images of some personalities are based on those narrations which were purposely made later on after the Prophet.
What we want to say here is that the book of hadith Bukhari which is written 240 years after the Prophet is prorogated as true book of hadith. (We will give shocking facts about Bukhari in future; someone can easily understand from it that the narrations of Bukhari are not true).In this book three characters are highlighted Abu Bakar, Umar bin Khattab, Aisha bint Abu Bakar. As we find somebody writes a script and highlights his Characters.
We can also find the narrations in Bukhari from those people who were openly enemies of Imam Ali, like Marwan and kharjies. Bukhari counted those people trustworthy and neglected all those narrations which state the virtues of Ahlalbait. For example Hadith e Ghadir which has 110 chains, Bukhari could not see it. (Sunni scholar in present time, Tahirul Qadari collected 51 chains about Hadith e Ghadir).
Let us talk the things mentioned in the Question. Our Sunni fellows cannot show any statement from Abu Bakar that he announced about himself, being the first one who accepted Islam. As there are lots of narrations from Sunni source that Imam Ali said I am the first one who accepted Islam. I am the first one who prayed behind the Prophet and I am the SADIQ E AKBAR; anybody who will make such claim is liar.
Please read the narrations in Nissaie.
Sunni history book TABARI mentioned a narration that there were 50 people who accepted Islam before Abu Bakar. This matter proved that Abu Bakar is not the first one who accepted Islam.
About migrating with the Prophet from Mecca to Medina, there are different stories about it. Quran mentions the situation about cave that somebody was in cave with the Prophet. We want to mention here that verse of Quran (9:40).
“If you do not aid the Prophet - Allah has already aided him when those who disbelieved had driven him out [of Makah] as one of two, when they were in the cave and he said to his companion, "Do not grieve; indeed Allah is with us." And Allah sent down his tranquility upon him and supported him with angels you did not see and made the word of those who disbelieved the lowest, while the word of Allah - that is the highest. And Allah is exalted in Might and Wise.”
In this verse we can see that Allah(swt) mentioned the word Prophet and assured to the person that Allah(swt) is with them. We can also see the wording of the verse that Allah(swt) referred to the holy Prophet and that Allah(swt) sent down his tranquility upon him and supported him with angels. Allah(swt) did not send peace and tranquility to other person who was with the Prophet. That’s why singular possessive pronoun is used not plural.
Let us look at the holy verse 26 in same Surah, Allah(swt) sent his tranquility on the Prophet and momineen. Allah(swt) mentioned the true believers with the holy Prophet. (Quran 9:26)
“Then Allah sent down His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the believers and sent down soldiers angels whom you did not see and punished those who disbelieved. And that is the recompense of the disbelievers.”
We find a narration in Bukhari that Haqzrat Ayesha said there is nothing revealed about us except clearance of blame which was made by some companions upon her.
While on the other hand Imam Ali who slept on the bed of the Prophet and faced all the dangers and looked eyes to eyes with the pagans. On those moments while Imam Ali was sleeping on the bed of the Prophet and pagans surrounded the house of the Prophet. This verse was revealed about Imam Ali. (Quran 2:207)
“And of the people is he who sells himself, seeking means to the approval of Allah. And Allah is kind to [His] servants.”
As we already mentioned the story of Ubaidullah bin Jaahash in our previous article. Ubaidullah bin Jahash was the cousin of Prophet who accepted Islam earlier in Mecca. He migrated to Africa with the first group of immigrants of Islam. He became immigrant earlier than those companions who migrated to Medina. There he became apostate and left Islam, converted to Christianity. This story is proven between Sunni and Shia. We are giving the link here from Wikipedia.
We know that Satan is there to drag the people in to hell fire and lots of other factors drag the people from right path. It is very important to remain on true faith.
We want to mention a hadith in Muwatta Imam Malik,
The Prophet did not testify about Abu Bakar and told him I don’t know what you will do afterme.
We want to mention another shocking fact that the daughter of holy Prophet Lady Fatima (as) got angry with Abu Bakar; she never spoke with him until she died.
We can note in above mentioned hadith in Arabic that Alayhi Salam (as) is written Lady Fatima’s name. But those people who translate from Arabic to different languages, they do not write Fatima (as). This is dishonesty; by this way they try to hide the special status of Ahlalbait.
We want to remind the status of Lady Fatima to our brothers and sisters.
Holy Prophet said “Fatima is the head ladies of heaven (Bukhari) Fatima is my part anybody who will make Fatima angry will angry me. The Prophet used to stand up for the respect of Bibi Fatima, there is lot more to mention but we mention here that the holy Prophet took only lady Fatima (as) in Mubahala, it proves the righteousness of lady Fatima.
We want to leave some simple questions for our Sunni brothers.
Is it possible that the daughter of holy Prophet, Lady Fatima will ask something from Abu bakar which is not her right? When she does not get that thing why would she get angry with Abu Bakar without any reason?
Abu Bakar came up with a hadith that the Prophet said our property won’t be inherited. Simple question: if Prophet said this that our property won’t be inherited, why the holy Prophet gave to Lady Fatima? It means the Prophet said something different but did something different?
This matter was related to Lady Fatima, how come Abu bakar knew about it but Lady Fatima did not know about it? Why the Prophet did not tell this to Lady Fatima about that property FADAK? If Lady Fatima knew about it, did she make wrong claim?
A Muslim needs to find the answer of these questions. We know that famous Pakistani scholar Molana Ismail Deobandi converted to Shia on this point that he reached to conclusion that I have to decide who is wrong; Lady Fatima or Abu Bakar?
He chooses to be with the head ladies of heaven Fatima (as). He bowed his head on the door of Ahlalbait. Because of him thousands of people in Pakistan converted from Sunni to Shia.
We would like to mention that at the end time of Abu Bakar, he regretted three things: That I wish, I would not break the door of Lady Fatima, I wish, I won’t burn Faja Salmah, At Saqifa I transferred Caliphate to Abu Ubaydah or Umar bin Khattab.(History of Tabari Volume 3 Page 430 Egypt edition, ,Al Imama wa al Siyasa Volume 1 page 28, Bairot edition, History of ibne Esaakar vol 30, page 418 Bairot edition and many others.
About Umar bin Khattab
We have already mentioned many things with proof in our articles.
1- We have mentioned the hadith from Bukhari, chapter Tayammum, we have given the link that Omar bin Khattab not agreed for Tayammum, there is a verse of Tayammum, it is taught by the Prophet and even though Ammar bin Yasir reminded him for Tayammum.
2- We have already given the link from Sahih Al Muslim chapter divorce. That Umar bin Khattab changed the Quranic order of divorce, it was also proved by the Sunnah of the Prophet, even it was practiced at the time of Abu Bakar but Umar bin Khattab changed it.
This is an interesting thing that 4 school of thought of Ahlsunnat follow Umar’s changed law, not the Quranic law and Sunnah, that three divorce in one sitting.
3- We are giving the link from Sahih Muslim that Umar bin Khattab changed the laaw of Hajj and stopped people to follow the orders of the Holy Prophet. Umar bin Khattab said "I do not like this"
Please read much more
Umar bin Khattab in Sahih al Bukhari
Umar bin Khattab in Sahih Muslim
We find out from the narrations of Bukhari and Muslim how Umar bin Khattab used his own mind against Quran and Sunnah of the holy Prophet. Our Sunni brothers say that it is all ijtihad that he used his mind about Islam! This wrong interpretation, this is a joke with Islam. If anybody does not accept the verses of Quran and proven Sunnah, gives his own opinion against it, this is not Ijtihad, this is something else. We can understand the ideology of our Sunni brothers that anybody who has the cap of companion, he can do anything against Quran and hadith, he will be protected.
We know that our Sunni brothers have narrations in the favor of Umar bin Khattab that if there would be a Prophet after holy Prophet of Islam. That would be Umar bin Khattab. These are all fake narrations. We never saw a Prophet who worshiped idols for 30 years and who used to give his own opinions against Allah’s orders.
We can imagine how these narrations were made for some people that Satan never leaves The Holy Prophet who is the head of Prophet, closest creation near to Allah. Satan tries on him, even Prophet is praying, while run away from Umar bin Khattab.
At the end we just want to comment that if these people were bad then why the holy Prophet kept them in his company?
We simply want to say that it is not the behavior of Prophets to throughout the people humiliate them or punish them before they commit any fault.
We know the narration of Bukhari that somebody wanted to kill Abdullah bin Obbi, head of hypocrites, The Holy Prophet stopped him, and said leave him, people will say that Mohammad kills his own companions.
We also know the story of Prophet Jacob from Quran. When his sons came up with false story about their younger brother Yusuf, Prophet Jacob knew it that they are making false story.
Prophet Jacob did not through them out from home. These are word of great Prophet Jacob which Quran mentions (12:18)
“And they brought upon his shirt false blood. [Jacob] said, "Rather, your souls have enticed you to something, so patience is most fitting. And Allah is the one sought for help against that which you describe."
However, we know very well that holy Prophet time to time mentioned many things to his companions that what will happen after him. We already mentioned one hadith about Abu Bakar that the Prophet did not testify about him and told him I don’t know what you will do after me.
The hadith of pond is very famous narration, narrated by many companions; there are many narrations about it. Please read the narration. Please read another hadith from Bukhari about afflictions.
The Holy Prophet knew it what will happen after him, the Prophet informed them and warned them about those afflictions and innovations.
We want to mention here hadith about hypocrites from Sahih Muslim.
The holy Prophet (pbuh) told that among my companions there are 12 hypocrites, 8 of them cannot enter in heaven, at all. There are other Hadith in Muslim about these people in same chapter and in other books. These are those hypocrites who planned to kill the holy Prophet while he was in his journey, coming back from Tabook. (These people called in Sunni books, companions of Uqba).
Sahih Muslim proves that The Holy Prophet told to Hudhaifa Yamani (ra), the names of those hypocrites who wanted to kill the Prophet, but no one else know about those 12 special hypocrites (who planted conspiracy of Prophets killing) other than Hudhiafa Yamani. The holy Prophet did not humiliate those companions in front of everybody that these are the people who planted for my killing.
It does not bring any objection to The Holy Prophet at all that if somebody did not accept his teachings completely or partially. Quran testifies about other Prophets that people in front of them did not follow them and gave them hard time. It is not the fault of Prophets.
At the end we again want to remind the words of Imam Ali that do not try to recognize truth with personalities. First recognize truth itself, and then automatically you will know the righteous personalities.
Question 7: Some of Sunni fellows mentioned the verse of Holy Quran (3:195) "And their Lord responded to them, "Never will I allow to be lost the work of [any] worker among you, whether male or female; you are of one another. So those who emigrated or were evicted from their homes or were harmed in My cause or fought or were killed - I will surely remove from them their misdeeds, and I will surely admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow as reward from Allah , and Allah has with Him the best reward."
Sunni fellows think that the verses from 3:190 -194 are about the rest of the Companions of The Holy Prophet who became believers and prayed to their Lord and verse 3:195 is for all the Mohajreen (immigrants), Allah's promise is for all the Companions including immigrants. sunni fellows believe that all the Companions are forgiven according to the above verses (3:190-195). What is Shia point of view regarding above mentioned verses of the The Holy Quran?
Answer: This is not the true interpretation of the above verses of Holy Quran that all the Companions including all the Mohajreen got promise that all of them were forgiven and they were free to do whatever they done after The Holy Prophet (pbuh), these verses exclude them from any type of accountability. This theory contradicts with the other verses of The Holy Quran and proven Ahadith which are proven among Shias and Sunnis.
The verses of Holy Quran from 3:190 to 3:194 tells us about the true and faithful believers. They remember and pray to Allah and also Allah accepted their prayers. It does not prove at all that all those people who became Muslims, all of them were capable of all such virtues.
Shias do believe that there were many great Companions of the Holy Prophet granted with such virtues but not all of those People who became Muslims and were with the Holy Prophet. We have mentioned 14 verses of the Holy Quran to prove the fact that there are three categories among the Companions of the Holy Prophet (pbuh).
Please read our article Shia point of view about the Companions of The Holy Prophet.
There are many narrations about the companions in Sahih al Bukhari and also in Sahih Muslim, all those narrations support the shia point of view about the Sahaba.
In the commentary of the verse 3:195, Shias say, yes no doubt those males and females immigrants who left their homes for Allah, they fought on the way of Allah and got killed, Allah's promise is for those true believers. These are all the virtues of the true believers who had true faith in their deep hearts and they gave their lives while Allah (swt) was happy with them and they were pleased with Allah swt). No doubt there were many Mohajreen who had such virtues and they remained on the true faith until their last breathe.
Some fellows try to look at the verses of The Holy Quran only in litral meanings. This is not a true approach. For example if we look at the verse 17:72 " And whoever is blind in this [life] will be blind in the Hereafter and more astray in way". If we take the litral meanings that a person who is blinded with eye sight problem, he will have same disorder in hereafter. What is the fault of that poor guy, why he will blind again with eye sight problem in hereafter?
But if we make the true interpretation, it makes sense that the person who did not looked at the signs of Allah and did not recognize the right path, he will kept away from the blessings of Allah in hereafter.
As we have mentioned in the answer to Question 1 (48:29) Sunni fellows apply this verse upon the people who were with the Holy Prophet. Shias say, yes there are Companions holding such virtues who are ideologically with the Holy Prophet (pbuh). We need to have a true understanding of this verse. It does not fit upon all the companions, it is against the other verses of the Holy Quran and ground realities.
We also want to mention here another important point that we cannot make a conclusion by just looking at one verse of the Holy Quran. This is also not a true approach. For example if some someone takes one verse about believing in Allah and he ignores all other verses about Islamic faith and requirements of the Islamic belief system. He cannot understand the true meanings of Islamic belief system.
Please read here other verses about believing in Allah.
If some fellows think that all the Mohajreen were forgiven and they were given blank cheque, doesnot matter whatever they done, there is is no accountability for them. This ideology contradicts with the isrology of Islam and also with the other verses of the Holy Quran. All the believers are subjected to the tests and exams to prove their faith and also there is accountability of their deeds. It is very important to stay on the true faith of Islam until last breathe with the righteous deeds.
Quran says (29: 2-3) "Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried? But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars".
We have already mentioned about the cousin of The Holy Prophet who was the ex-hisbnadof Umme Habiba, He became Muslim and immigrant to HABASH (Africa) but later on he became apostate. Please read Wikipedia. It is very important to remain on that true faith.
Sunni interpretation about the verse 3:195, contradicts with the other verses of The Holy Quran and also contradicts with those proven facts which are mentioned in Sahih al Bukhari and Muslim. Please read one narration from Bukhari about a Companion who fought for Islam, got wounded for Islam but at the end, he killed himsef. The Holy Prophet said about him , He is from the dwellers of hel fire ".
This looks so strange that for those Companions who did not follow the Sunnah of the Prophet, they will be taken away from the pond of Kauthar. Please read the narartion of Sahih Muslim. But all of the Mohajreen won't have any accountability!
We can see from Bukhari and Muslim that some personalities from Moajreen even changed the Quranic laws and Sunnah of the Prophet.
Please read the narrations about the Companions of The Holy Prophet in Muslim. Please also check the narrations about Umar bin Khattab in Sahih Muslim.
Please read more on this issue from another papular website
Question 8: How come Imam Ali named his sons Abu Bakar, Umar and Uthman? Does it mean Imam Ali used to love with those three Caliphs? What is the Shia’s answer?
Answer: Those fellows who try to prove that Imam Ali named his children after the three Caliphs’ names this is the sign of love towards those Caliphs. We challenge such people to show us if Abu Bakar, Umar and Uthman also named their children after the names of Ahlalbait?
Abu Bakar, Umar and Uthman used to hear from the Holy Prophet all the time Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein. If there was such love between those Caliphs and Ahlalbait, why not those Caliphs named their children Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein?
Let us answer this question briefly!
Abu Bakar is not a name, it is a title, in Arabic it is called Kuniya. The son of Imam Ali whose real name was Mohammad al-Asghar, later on people called him Abu Bakar and gave him such title!
We challenge the Sunni fellows to show us one narration that Imam Ali named his son as Abu Bakar? Imam Ali gave his name as Mohammad al-Asghar. Even if someone thinks that Imam Ali named his son as a title Abu Bakar, why not such people think that it is Abu Bakar bin Hazim Ansari , the closest friend of Imam Ali, whom the Imam named his son after.
There were 35 Umars used to live by that time when Imam Ali named his son Umar. It does not mean that there was only one Umar bin Khattab used to live in Medina. We also know that Umar bin Mukram [Son of Umm Salma (ra)] was very loyal and dear to Imam Ali. Umar bin Mukram fought against Moawiya and Ayesha in Jamal and Safeen from the side of Imam Ali. We also know that Imam Ali appointed Umar bin Mukram as the Governor of Bahrain. Imam actually named his son after the name of Umar bin Mukram.
Imam Ali testified himsslef that he named his son Umar after his faithful commander Umar bin Mukram" Asada al Ghaybah Volume 4 page 134 under the letter "Ayn".
We also challenge to Sunni fellows to show us a single narration if Imam Ali said that “I named my son Uthman on the name of third Caliph Uthman bin Affan”?
We know very well that Uthman bin Mazoon was a great and pious companion of the Holy Prophet. Uthman bin Mazoon may Allah bless him was the lover of Ahlalbit. Imam Ali actually named his son after the name of great companion Uthman bin Mazoon(ra).
Please find the refernce here from the Shia book, Munthee'ala Mahal Volume 1 under the Chapter "Shahadth" - we read the testimony of Imam 'Ali (as) that he named one of his sons Uthman because on the day he was born he (as) stated:
"I shall name this child after my brother Uthman bin Mazoon".
May Allah (swt) guide those who seek for truth and send blessings to Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) and his Ahlalbait