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  • virtues of Ahlalbait in Termidhi
  • Proof of califhate of imam Ali in Al Khasais
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Ali is my Caliph for all the believers after me علی میرے بعد ہر مومن کے لیے میرے خلیفہ ہیں

In this narration Ibn e Abbas told many virtues of Imam Ali(as). It is also mentioned in this narration that the Holy Prophet(pbuh) said to the Imam “you are my KHALIFA (successor) after me for all the believers”.

English Translation:

Yahya bin Owaf narrated:

I was sitting with Abdullah ibn e Abbas nine people approached him, they said to ibn Abbas that he(ibn Abbas) have to decide either he(ibn Abbas)  are with them or not with them. By that time Ibn e Abbas was a healthy man, he did not lose his eye sight yet, Ibn e Abbas stood up with them and discussed something with them.

The narrator says I don’t know what they discussed. When Ibn e Abbas came back, he was throwing away the dust from his clothes and said

I hate and feel sorry on these people they say bad things about that person who is a respected person, they think bad about that person for whom The Holy Prophet said (at the day of Khaiber) tomorrow I will send that person who loves Allah and his Prophet and Allah and his Prophet love him. Allah won’t let him be disrespected, he is honored one”,

The Prophet said where Ali is? The Prophet was told he is making flour for him with hand-mill. 

The Prophet said “was there nobody who would do this work for him!” Then Holy Prophet called him (Ali) while he was having pain in his eyes, he was having difficulty of seeing.

The holy Prophet put his saliva on his eyes, waved the flag for three times and gave to Ali. Then Saffiyya bint e Hayee was brought to the Prophet (after victory of Khaiber).

Then Abu Bakar was sent with Surah Touba, Ali was sent after him to take away that job from Abu Bakar, the Prophet said:

nobody can do this job except me or a person from my Ahlalbait. He (Ali) is from me and I am from him.

Then the Prophet gathered Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein with him under the cloth and prayed for them:

O Allah these are my Ahlalbait my closest one, take away any uncleanliness from them completely and purify them completely. Ali is the one who announced his Islam after Khadija (mother of believers). Ali is the one who was dressed with the Prophet’s clothes (at the time of migration);

The people thought that this is the Prophet. Meanwhile Abu Bakar came and said O Holy Prophet; Ali replied he is not here he is at the wheel named Maimoon.

Then Abu Baker joined the Holy Prophet and went in to cave; the pagans of Mecca were around Ali (with their swords and arrows) until dawn. When The Holy Prophet wanted to leave for Tabuk with his companions, Ali said to Holy Prophet “I want to join with you”,

 The Prophet said: No, do not cry on this, are you not happy that you are to me as Aaron to Moses; the only difference is there is no Prophet after me. Then Holy Prophet said you are my KHALIFA (successor) after me for all the believers.

The Prophet ordered to close all the doors opening to the mosque of the Prophet in Medina except Ali’s house door, only Ali was allowed to enter in the mosque while he was Mojannab (see the definition of Mojannab at the end), this is his only way out from home, there was no other way going out from the home.

Then Holy Prophet said; anybody who consider me as Wali (person having authority over someone) Ali is also his Wali.

Ibn e Abbas said; we read in Quran that Allah happy with those who were under the tree at the time of Hudaibiya then we never heard that Allah got angry on them. Then

Ibn e Abbas said: The Holy Prophet said to Umar bin Khattab when he asked permission from the Holy Prophet that he wanted to behead a companion named Hatib,

The Holy Prophet said: O Umar do you not know that Allah is the knower about the companions of Badar, for this reason it was said to them do whatever you want, youre forgiven.”

(Mojannab is condition when someone has sex with his wife, both man and woman cannot pray, fast, enter in the mosque until they take shower according to the Islamic ruling, But Ali was exempted, and Ali was given permission to enter in the mosque and his home door was opened all other doors were closed, the companions objected on this, The Prophet said I allowed this all because Allah ordered me to do so.)


Part B 

Part C


Part D

Part E

page 59


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