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Did Imam Ali named his sons after the names of the three caliphs? Abu Bakar, Umar and Uthman

Question: How come Imam Ali named his sons Abu Bakar, Umar and Uthman? Does it mean Imam Ali used to love with those three Caliphs? What is the Shia’s answer?

Answer: Those fellows who try to prove that Imam Ali named his children after the three Caliphs’ names this is the sign of love towards those Caliphs. We challenge such people to show us if Abu Bakar, Umar and Uthman also named their children after the names of Ahlalbait?

Abu Bakar, Umar and Uthman used to hear from the Holy Prophet all the time Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein. If there was such love between those Caliphs and Ahlalbait, why not those Caliphs named their children Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein?

Let us answer this question briefly!

Abu Bakar is not a name, it is a title, in Arabic it is called Kuniya. The son of Imam Ali whose real name was Mohammad al-Asghar, later on people called him Abu Bakar and gave him such title!

We challenge the Sunni fellows to show us one narration that Imam Ali named his son as Abu Bakar?  Imam Ali gave his name as Mohammad al-Asghar.  Even if someone thinks that Imam Ali named his son as a title Abu Bakar, why not such people think that it is Abu Bakar bin Hazim Ansari , the closest friend of Imam Ali, whom the Imam named his son after.

There were 35 Umars used to live by that time when Imam Ali named his son Umar. It does not mean that there was only one Umar bin Khattab used to live in Medina. We also know that Umar bin Mukram [Son of Umm Salma (ra)] was very loyal and dear to Imam Ali. Umar bin Mukram fought against Moawiya and Ayesha in Jamal and Safeen from the side of Imam Ali. We also know that Imam Ali appointed Umar bin Mukram as the Governor of Bahrain. Imam actually named his son after the name of Umar bin Mukram.

Imam Ali testified himsslef that he named his son Umar after his faithful commander Umar bin Mukram" Asada al Ghaybah Volume 4 page 134 under the letter "Ayn".     

We also challenge to Sunni fellows to show us a single narration if Imam Ali said that “I named my son Uthman on the name of third Caliph Uthman bin Affan”?

We know very well that Uthman bin Mazoon was a great and pious companion of the Holy Prophet. Uthman bin Mazoon may Allah bless him was the lover of Ahlalbit. Imam Ali actually named his son after the name of great companion Uthman bin Mazoon(ra).

Please find the refernce here from the Shia book, Munthee'ala Mahal Volume 1 under the Chapter "Shahadth" - we read the testimony of Imam 'Ali (as) that he named one of his sons Uthman because on the day he was born he (as) stated:
"I shall name this child after my brother Uthman bin Mazoon".

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