We want to share more interesting things that Aisha bin Abu Bakr not only told adult suckling on behalf of the holy Prophet and Quran, She also practically acted upon this law and let her sister and daughters of her brother to do this job.
Those men who wanted to visit Aisha without observing hijjab etc, they used to visit one of Aisha-family's woman for this adult suckling.
Narrations from Muwatta Malik
Narrations from Muwatta Malik
Please also find this narration that suckling must be 10 times (sorry we cannot comment much about it)
We also find the narrations that Umme Salma and other wives of the Prophet were not agree with Aisha bin Abu Bakr's law of adult suckling.
Narration about Umme Salma (wife of the holy Prophet)
We just say sorry to our readers that we did not make commentary about adult suckling because this is a sensitive matter. We just presented everything which is mentioned in Sunni authantic sources.